M I S S I O N    Q U I T E   P O S S I B L E


The self -destructing 24 Hour Video Clips site


Taped Message: Good evening Wam Fans. Your mission -- should you choose to accept it -- is to follow the link, find the key and download this video and share it with as many fans who want to see it. Circulate this video to fans once the file is terminated from this server. As always, should any member of your wam force be caught or killed, the secretary will dissavow all knowledge of your actions. This video file will self-destruct in 24 hours. Good luck -- stay wet.


MISSED THE CLIP: If you failed the mission,  read the statement at the top of this page, i.e.  seek a file trade with one of the successful agents who completed the mission.

"The early bird catches the worm"

"He who hesitates is lost"


This website is sponsored by Wamtec

Mission = find the key key2

Mission Starts (eastern standard time)

Mission Ends (eastern standard time)

Mission 3 - coming in future

follow the forum


MISSION 2:  Find the key and retrieve this videoclip

(Mexican TV Drama. Video= 2 mins, 10 secs) 

October 17 - 11am

October 18 - 11am

Mission #1: Retrieve this 4 minute video of a girl in skirt & blouse playing in the ocean.

Mission date: 10/01/04 to 10/02/04

